Using Tarot Reading for Harmony and Alignment

What if I told you that whatever you’re facing in your life evolves from the idea that you are not fully one with the Universe?

Unfortunately, a lot of people learn this moral too late. They spend most of their lives trying to secure a square peg into a round hole. It’s not just going to happen. But nobody told them ahead of time. They had to find out too late in the worst way possible.

There is such a thing as universal harmony. The ancient Chinese have this figured out in the concept of the Tao, in the yin and yang. In the West, catching up has taken us longer.

But there is an internal order. There is a universal balance.

A lot of people try to get this through traditional religion, through psychotherapy, or even through recreational drug use. As you probably can already tell, those paths have distinct pros and cons.

Still, one thing that cannot be denied is that we all seek inner peace and serenity and understand our true purpose.

With this in mind, consider getting a free tarot reading to achieve a sense of harmony and alignment. I know this may sound unrealistic, but it’s not!

When you look at the fact that the tarot is a growing body of wisdom taped over thousands of years, it makes all the sense in the world. Think about it. Whatever you can think of today, somebody or many people over thousands of years have thought about the same thing. The only things that have changed are the clothing, the food, and the culture, but everything else in terms of life patterns and, most importantly, life meaning doesn’t change.

You can only do things so differently until you keep repeating other patterns. You may not know these earlier patterns, but it doesn’t matter. The human imagination, as powerful and as deep as it may be, can only go so far. Eventually, it starts to loop back and repeat the same patterns, with different manifestations, but it’s still the same pattern underneath.

This is the deeper reality that the tarot records. This is why people need to consider having a tarot card reading, even an online tarot reading that is paid or free tarot reading, as an avenue for a greater and more profound sense of inner harmony and alignment.

You Get to Reflect on Your Current State of Reality

Personal reality is, of course, composed of many different layers. There’s the emotional side of you. There’s the apparent psychological side, the subconscious and the unconscious. And least understood of all, the universal side of you.

The universal side of you is this cosmic consciousness or psychology that extends beyond you. Still, you can see it play out in groups of people who speak the same language or have the same primary material culture. You can see glimmers of that because there is this shared reality.

There is such a thing as culture. However, within your family, you also have your subculture. You can reflect on these significant patterns when you get a free or regular daily tarot reading.

You get to take a break from thinking about your problems, struggles, hassles, obligations, and whatnot. Instead, you start looking at the big picture view of what larger patterns are at play in my life and how this fits in with people who came before me and all the people who will come after me.

You will see that you are part of a larger sense of purpose, reality, or Universe.

You are not alone. You are not meant to suffer in silence alone. That’s not the reality. It may feel like it because you chose to close your eyes to a higher and broader perspective, but it’s not the ultimate reality.

A tarot card reading, even a free tarot reading, opens your mind to the supernatural. It opens your ego to the possibility that there is a larger world out there that spins on its axis and has its agenda independent of you.

The best part of all this is you learn to let go of the ego and accept it, bringing tremendous peace.

Most importantly, it opens the door to the next big thing: a new perspective. You open yourself up to new perspectives.

This is crucial. I cannot stress this enough.

One of the most important aspects of a tarot card reading is that it works because of the power of opinions. I’m not talking about suggestions regarding predictions for the future. I’m not talking about suggestions regarding fake personas or manufactured identities.

No! I’m talking about suggestions involving your consciousness regarding your universal self. You have a purpose. You exist for a reason. Nobody is an accident.

When people realize that their lives are part of a larger pattern and a reflection of the lives that others have lived in different times and places, they gain a sense of alignment. You gain an understanding of connection to something bigger than you.

Let’s tackle it because you won’t be here forever. Whether you’re going to live another twenty years, eighty years, or, if you’re lucky, a hundred years doesn’t matter. You eventually realize what is going to happen to you.

It’s perfectly okay because other people have gone through that as well. And this is part of the pattern you are reconnecting to and realigning with.

You will undoubtedly experience a deep sense of serenity if you are open to new ideas. Nothing is there to grasp at the end of the day. There’s nothing to hang on to. You can wave it all peacefully goodbye.

You can then step back and look at the big picture. It’s not about I, me, mine, what I have to lose, what I have to worry about, who is mad at me, what other people think. All of that fades away, and you start seeing the relationship between your existence here and now with what went before and the collective wisdom that speaks to you through the tarot deck.